MPRA-7 – Rejilla Para Pan de Gran Resistencia

Características estándar

  • Construcción de acero inoxidable
  • Sartenes de tamaño normal (18″ * 26″) o sartenes de tamaño medio (13″ * 18″)
  • Disponible en modelos de 7, 15 y 20 cacerolas
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Model Pan Capacity Total Weight Capacity (lb) Interior Dimensions (LxWxH inch) Exterior Dimensions (LxWxH inch)
MPRA-7 7 - 18” x 26” or 14 - 13” x 18” 350 18" 1/4 x 21" 5/8 x 22" 5/8 20" 3/8 x 23" 5/8 x 22" 7/8

90 Day Workmanship Warranty

Atosa Catering Equipment warrants its equipment against defects in materials, workmanship, and components, to be free from defects in materials or workmanship up to a period of 90 days. For full warranty download the spec sheet for this product.

90 Day Workmanship Warranty